1. Cardamom
It is used for
Surbiyaan Hilib Adhi
ice preparation accompanied by Lamb
The taste of
Lamb enhanced with caramelized onion and
A sweet preparation made from cornstarch, butter, and cardamom
Traditional cookie
s traditionally accompanied with cardamom tea
refers to the spice mix that is added to savoury dishe
Suugo Suqaar
Pasta cooked with beef and xawaas
adzuki beans.
It is red bean or bean cultivated in Asia
, traditionally used in
Somali cooking

Cambuulo Iyo Maraq
Rice and adzuki beans
, common lunch or dinner preparation of
Somali peopl
Somalia also has interesting places that we can visit such as

Hadful Mosque
Almnara Tower
Independence Monument Somalia

- Mariam Mursual-

Mursal grew up in Somalia with a Muslim family of four daughters.  Mursal's family is originally from Somaliland and belongs to the Madhibaan clan.

As a teenager, she broke with the traditions and laws of her people for the love of music, she started singing professionally in Mogadishu.  He performed in nightclubs and his style of music, a mixture of blues, soul and Somali and Arabic influences, known as Somali jazz, became popular throughout the country.  
Although he performed mainly solo, he also collaborated with Waaberi, a 300-member music and dance troupe associated with the Somali National Theater.  

Later, after criticizing the then military government of Somalia, he was banned from singing for two years and earned a living driving a cab.

 During the subsequent civil war in her country, Mursal and her five children moved to Djibouti, where she found asylum in the Danish embassy.  

 Mursal continues to live abroad, now residing in the UK.  He has toured Europe with Waaberi and performed with Nina Simone.  His work has been produced by Peter Gabriel's Real World record label. 


 Customs and traditions 


 Below you will find some relevant customs and traditions of Somalia.




Some Somali traditions are:

-In Somali marriage the man pays a bride price, in cattle or money, to the woman's family. It is a bond between clans and families. The bride keeps her family name. Islamic law allows a man to have up to four wives if he can keep them.

-Women never wear anything revealing and their clothes are generally very conservative in color.

-Cultural activities consist mainly of poetry, folk dancing and singing.

-Somalis offer milk tea and burn incense to welcome visitors.

-Somalis have traditional games such as Shax also known as jare, or Mancala and the Ladu board game.

Some customs are:

-Between both men and women, the usual greeting is handshake, sometimes accompanied by a slight bow.

-Eye contact is indirect with older or superior persons. Direct is acceptable only between people of the same gender or authority.

-At home it is customary for women to serve the men first and then eat with their children after the men have finished.

-Their food involves not eating pork nor do they drink alcohol. Milk, tea, coffee and water are the favorite beverages.

-Somalis are accustomed to use instruments such as drums and wind flutes, Abdullahi is known as the father of Somali music.