Customs and traditions 


 Below you will find some relevant customs and traditions of Somalia.




Some Somali traditions are:

-In Somali marriage the man pays a bride price, in cattle or money, to the woman's family. It is a bond between clans and families. The bride keeps her family name. Islamic law allows a man to have up to four wives if he can keep them.

-Women never wear anything revealing and their clothes are generally very conservative in color.

-Cultural activities consist mainly of poetry, folk dancing and singing.

-Somalis offer milk tea and burn incense to welcome visitors.

-Somalis have traditional games such as Shax also known as jare, or Mancala and the Ladu board game.

Some customs are:

-Between both men and women, the usual greeting is handshake, sometimes accompanied by a slight bow.

-Eye contact is indirect with older or superior persons. Direct is acceptable only between people of the same gender or authority.

-At home it is customary for women to serve the men first and then eat with their children after the men have finished.

-Their food involves not eating pork nor do they drink alcohol. Milk, tea, coffee and water are the favorite beverages.

-Somalis are accustomed to use instruments such as drums and wind flutes, Abdullahi is known as the father of Somali music.




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